Find the 4 Types of Brand Photography For Mompreneurs That Fit Into Every Budget

This is a list of 4 types of brand photography and where to get them.

A business’s brand photography creates a clear story, but where do you get the style that fits your brand and your budget? I will share solutions below that will help you build an image library at small, medium, and larger budgets.

Exploring Your Options

*There are affiliate links in this blog post. If you use our link to purchase a subscription, we get a small commission for the referral. We only recommend what we use and love!


    Unsplash – The Free Choice:

    I think you’ll agree with me when I say, “If I can get parts of my marketing for free, I’ll check into it!”

    If you have a strategy and create a content plan, free images from Unsplash will give you an ROI for your time. When you craft a strategic social media marketing plan first, you can find images to match your content. So, I had to break down the steps for effective content creation FIRST!

    Do This To Make Unsplash’s Imagery a Dream Client Magnet Using Social Media Marketing:

    • After 22 years of content creation, the best place to start, if you are new to social media marketing for your business, is with a social media scheduling platform and *SmarterQueue is number one in my book! Use my link to get 30 days of SmarterQueue for FREE! Once in there, you can plan content pillars for intentional prompts and high conversion rates.

    • Once you have created your plan in SmarterQueue, head over to Unsplash and create an account.

    • After your account is created, go to the far right corner where the 3 lines are stacked on top of each other, click on them, and select COLLECTIONS from the right-hand column.

    • Choose images and make collections that compliment your content pillars.

    • Then, go back into SmarterQueue and start scheduling your topics.

    • To get your content written, go to Chat GPT. Type in this prompt to curate your social media copy: I need you to be my social media marketing manager. Please write me a caption for my Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter (X) accounts. The topic is __________ and it needs to highlight ____________. My target audience is ___________________ and their ages range from ________to___________. Write the caption in a friendly, down-to-earth tone.

    • Go back to SmarterQueue and plug in your copy from Chat GPT along with the matching images from Unsplash or your custom image library created by Nouvelle!


Canva Pro

This powerhouse of an app can be both helpful and overwhelming. If you are comfortable working in Canva, or you are delegating your content creation to a virtual assistant, this is a good solution.

Don’t like to use different tools when one tool can do it all? Me neither!

Canva Pro is only $12 a month and it gives you all the things like:

  1. High-End Photography

  2. A Large Selection of Graphics

  3. Fonts

  4. Brand Kits for Consistent Content Creation

  5. Templates for Every Type of Content

  6. AI Magic Write

  7. Printing Options for Brand Identity Pieces

  8. Content Calendar and Social Media Marketing Scheduler


levae Visuals

THIS! This is my favorite image subscription AND community. The way you show up online is critical to your business growth and ultimate success. 

In fact—in the eyes of your prospective customer, your product or service is only as good as the images you use to promote it.

You know this!

This is why we love Élevae! They offer business owners a high-quality, gorgeous, and efficient solution that costs less than you spend at Starbucks on any given month! 

When a new member clicks around the freshly updated *Élevae dashboard, they’re hit with a series of emotions: First, relief. Next, inspiration:

✨ Relief because of the access to guides, templates, and online marketing advice that provide a roadmap toward consistent content creation.

✨Inspiration because they have a curated catalog of over 6,000 gorgeous images and videos (and growing weekly!) All organized, searchable, and easy to download.



US! Nouvelle Brand Photography

Experienced mompreneurs go through different phases of upleveling. Launching, relaunching, rebranding, and restarting all require custom photography for the impact you need…and don’t worry, it is normal to not quite know what you need.

That is why we offer a FREE 1-hour clarity call!

Unlocking the Benefits: Brand Clarity, Time Reclaimed, and New-Found Peace of Mind

Delegating planning, art direction, and brand story creation ensure each image aligns seamlessly with your brand.

We Deliver:

1.Brand Clarity

From launching different products, updating outdated website photography, and image library creation for successful social media marketing campaigns, you probably don’t know what to shoot first!

We do and we will happily give you a clear timeline.

2. Time Back in Your Hands

Reclaim your time to excel in your zone of genius, no more worrying about logistics.

We take over the planning, strategizing, styling, curating, and finally photographing.

You will stop feeling:

  1. Overwhelmed

  2. Confused

  3. Stuck in a creative rut

  4. Left behind by the competition

  5. Outdated

  6. Inconsistent with your online presence

3. Mental Space Liberation

Less doubt, less overwhelm, and certainly less guessing. Free up space in your brain for collaboration with us for confident decision-making.

In a nutshell, Nouvelle's Signature Brand Photography Service is more than a photoshoot – it's an investment in clarity, time, and mental ease. Your brand deserves a story that connects emotionally with your dream clients.

We are not just photographers offering branding photography, we are branding, digital marketing, and e-commerce experts first.

More Benefits of Our Services

  • A brand audit to understand what we think you should have us tackle first if you aren’t sure.

  • A strategic approach to your online presence so you are positioned as a leader in your niche.

  • Location scouting: Get location-first, lifestyle branding photography that allows you to look like your brand is fresh out of a magazine.

  • Our love for collaboration ensures that your vision has a brand voice and aesthetic that is swoon-worthy and at the highest standards possible.

  • Strict timelines and detailed shot lists for the day of your photoshoot mean that time isn’t wasted and key shots aren’t missed.

  • Add-ons are included in your proposal brochure so not one detail goes unchecked. We customize these add-ons according to each client’s needs.

  • Be prepared to receive prop & style recommendations if needed.

  • Our love language is giving gifts! After the contract is signed and the deposit is received, we can’t wait to pop your welcome client gift in the mail!

Ready to lift that weight off your shoulders?

Let's chat and explore how Nouvelle can elevate your brand effortlessly.


Want your Woman-Owned Business Found in Local Searches Online? Use These 10 Solopreneur Tips!